Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Big Blue

We are learning about the swimming creatures this year, using Apologia curriculum. Recently we spent a day doing experiments to learn about water pressure, saline levels, currents etc and what causes or affects them. These are just a few pictures, a VERY brief overview!

This experiment helped us to understand how our lungs work, how scuba tanks help us and how amazing it is that fish aren't crushed!

Water temperature and saline levels affect the earths currents. We learned how.

 We learned about echolocation and how cetaceans use their melons ;)  and how sound travels.

I forgot to take a photo of when we measured out the lengths of certain dolphins and whales on our street....
But we drew a life sized Leatherback Turtle there too, and used ourselves for scale. They can grow up to a foot longer than Dad!

Pure serendipity; we went to the markets in the weekend to get our produce. We turn around and there is a Wobbygong shark - right there! I had to tell her to get closer for a photo, she took some convincing!

They aren't pretty....!

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